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  • 09:00-20:00

Perga – the Folk Medicine for Immunity

All illnesses start with the destruction of the immune system. Regardless of what is “written” in genes, our defence system adapts to the conditions we live in. The immunity is linked to the functioning of the endocrine system and the endocrine system with the functioning of the brain.

Since everything starts from the “brain”, we, ourselves, are quite often guilty for the impairment of the immune system. Bad and insufficient sleep, pessimism, stress, manner and type of nutrition, lack of physical activity, long usage of various medications, etc.

In recent years, natural products are more widely used for boosting the immunity. Scientific studies (especially in Russia, Chine, and the USA) have shown that one of the best natural products for the strengthening and balancing of the immunity is fermented pollen or PERGA.

100% Natural Preparations

 for strengthening the immune system of both adults and children


Bees bring pollen from flowering plants, perform its fermentation, and store it in the honeycomb cells. In that process, pollen grains lose the cellulose membrane, which is hard to digest, creating one of the most valuable bee products, both for a bee community and a man, as a nutritious and apitherapy product.

BEE & WELL Company after decades of experience in the field of beekeeping has emerged in the market with 100% natural unique products based on PERGA, honey and propolis to improve the overall health status preventive action and strengthening the immune system of both adults and children.

The products abounds in high-quality proteins, all indispensable amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, B-group vitamins, vitamins K, E, D, C and especially the vitamin P (rutin), pro-vitamin A (carotene), various minerals and trace elements (especially potassium and iron), essential oils, enzymes, pigments and other biologically active natural substances.



  • PERGA more than 21gr
  • Natural meadow honey up to 250 gr
  • Juices of medicinal herbs
  • Vitamin B group
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin P (rutin)
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Provitamin A
  • Minerals Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus
  • essential amino acids,
  • Proteins

PERGA & propolis


  • PERGA more than 5gr
  • Propolis without alcohol 5 gr
  • Natural acacia honey up to 100 gr (10 bags)
  • Flavonoid
  • Essential oils
  • amino acids,
  • Oligoelements
  • Vitamin B group
  • Vitamin P (rutin)
  • Vitamin D



  • PERGA more than 6gr
  • Natural meadow honey up to 250 gr
  • Vitamin B group
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Provitamin A
  • Minerals Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus
  • Oligoelements,
  • Proteins

Free delivery

on the territory of whole Serbia within 24 hours


Multi-year experience and recipe that gives results.

100% natural

All BeeVell products are 100% natural

365 days support

Our expert team is there for you

Do you have a question?

Call us for more information and free consultation

Working hours: 09.00 - 20.00h

Others about us

Bee & Well - a company based on decades of experience in beekeeping

Contact us

You have questions, we have the answers. Contact us ,
and we will reply within 24 hours, even during the weekend or holiday.


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Working hours

Monday - Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00

Current account

160-417280-21 Banka Intesa

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